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The Centre is always looking for volunteers to help with running the Centre and giving our guests and visitors a warm welcome. We are in particular need of someone to help with the garden to provide a peaceful spot where our guests can find rest and solitude, should they need it.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Harnhill Centre please contact us by telephone on 01285 850283 or by email at Examples of volunteer roles include:

Hospitality Volunteers

Are you known for your friendliness and your ability to strike up conversation?

Are you a natural conversationalist who enjoys creating a warm and welcoming environment?

Can you give a day, a weekend or a week to serve with the Harnhill Community in practical ways?

What We’re Looking For:

  • Friendly and Approachable Individuals: Your cheerful demeanor can help guests feel immediately at ease.
  • Welcoming Attitude: Be the friendly face that greets visitors and makes them feel valued.
  • Hands on Help: From setting up before to tidying up afterwards, your willingness to help will make a big difference.
  • Flexible Commitment: Whether you can spare


Harnhill has 1.5 acres of beautiful gardens we are always looking for people who could spare one day a week to help in the maintenance and upkeep of our flower beds and courtyards.

Fundraising Administrator

Harnhill’s Finance Committee is looking for someone who could help in the administration of our fundraising efforts. This include help with grant applications, follow up telephone calls, helping with marketing activities such as stuffing envelopes.  We are seeking someone who could offer half a day a week in this vital work of keeping Harnhill’s fundraising efforts up to date.

Handyman or Handywoman

How are your DIY skills? We need your expertise!

Please get in touch with our Facilities Manager, who has a long list of jobs that urgently need doing. Whether you’re skilled in painting and decorating or a real whizz with the Black & Decker, we could use your help to keep our beautiful buildings in top condition.

Assisting at our Services of Worship

We need some more helpers at our Worship Services. Could you learn to operate the Sound Desk, serve refreshments in the Henly Room after the service or be part of the welcoming team to meet people at the door? If you could do any of these jobs, we would love to hear from you.