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Why Support Us

The Centre relies on support in a variety of ways to be able to offer its Healing Ministry.

We are currently supported by over 130 volunteers whose expertise we are blessed to benefit from in many areas from Trusteeship, intercessory prayer, prayer ministry, estate maintenance, administration, garden and many other areas of help offered both ad hoc and routinely. Without this support we would be unable to be sustainable in terms of ministry delivery, staff costs or in delivering our programme of events and ministry outreach.

Financially, over 50% of our income comes from the generous support of donors. This is one of our greatest areas of risk to ensuring long term sustainability and we continually look to new ways of generating income and expanding the ministry and outreach we offer.

How you can Support Us

  • You can become a Friend of Harnhill
  • Become a Volunteer
  • By donating to the Centre and where possilble subscribing to gift aid for any donations you feel able to make.
  • Leaving a legacy in your Will.