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Gifts in Wills – Suggested Wording Examples

Residuary Gifts

A Residuary Gift allows you to leave Harnhill a share of your estate once family and friends have been taken care of.

Suggested wording for your Will:

“I give …% of the residue of my real and personal estate to The Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, Registered Charity Number 1176053, of Harnhill, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5PX and I direct that the receipt of the Trustees or other proper officer of the charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Pecuniary Gifts

A Pecuniary Gift allows you to leave a specific amount of money to Harnhill.

Suggested wording for your Will:

“I give the sum of £ … to The Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, Registered Charity Number 1176053, of Harnhill, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5PX and I direct that the receipt of the Trustees or other proper officer of the charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Specific Legacies

A Specific Legacy is a specific item, for example jewellery or furniture.

Suggested wording for your Will:

“I give (name the item or items) to The Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, Registered Charity Number 1176053, of Harnhill, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5PX and I direct that the receipt of the Trustees or other proper officer of the charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Reversionary Gifts

A Reversionary Gift allows you to leave your estate to your dependants while they are living, but after they pass away it will revert to Harnhill.

This type of legacy allows for your estate, or particular assets, to be passed on to your family or friends, for their lifetime. On their death the whole or a portion of these assets revert to the beneficiary of the reversionary legacy, namely Harnhill.

Your solicitor will advise you on how to word this legacy.