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What is Prayer Ministry?

Prayer ministry is the opportunity to meet with two members of our prayer team to share the deeper issues of life, whether in the past or the present, which are causing difficult emotions or ongoing challenges for you.

The team will listen to you and to the Lord and then will pray into the areas you feel are important or where the Lord may be highlighting.

Prayer Ministry and Personal Retreats

An opportunity for time away with God in an environment of peace and refreshment.

Individual prayer ministry and practical teaching can be received residentially at our Retreat Weeks and Weekends, or by appointment. Prayer ministry is with our trained prayer team in private rooms.

A healing service takes place on Friday and a prayer/compline service takes place on Wednesday, where there are opportunities for healing prayer with trained prayer ministers.

The Centre runs training days/weeks and conferences where you can learn more about the Christian healing ministry and other aspects of life in Christ. Our experienced ministry team members are also available to visit your church or group to encourage the healing ministry where you are.

We have a team of intercessors who are available for prayer needs if you are sick and unable to get to the Centre.

What is Spiritual Accompaniment?

Spiritual accompaniment is the opportunity to meet with one of the team for a 45 minute appointment. The focus of this time is to reflect on how God is at work in your life and to help you listen to the Lord during your stay at the Centre.

It is a time of sharing and reflecting and although may finish with a closing prayer, is not prayer ministry. If you are facing a challenging life issue or experiencing difficult emotions, we would encourage you to book a prayer ministry appointment.

Come and receive

Many Christians like to take a retreat from time to time. If we have rooms available on week days, you are welcome to come to stay and enjoy the worship times and meals, yet do your own thing as far as your retreat is concerned.

The Centre has over an acre of well-tended gardens with small areas for quiet times, prayer and contemplation. The surrounding fields give plenty of opportunity for walks and there is a Norman church close by available to visit.

Our full-time residential team will look after you and we believe that as you spend time at Harnhill, you will meet with Jesus. We invite you to experience and share in the joy and excitement of His ministry here.

More information and a full programme is available online or on request. There are personal retreat weeks and weekends, together with healing retreats and day courses covering cookery, art, craft and music.