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What are You doing in my Heart (our Hearts), Lord?

08 May 2020 10:45

I was speaking to someone last week and I asked if they felt lonely due to being in ‘lockdown’ and not being able to see people. They expressed it was not a significant problem, because being single, they did not normally see that many people.  However, with family or friends contacting them daily through video chat, they were now seeing and speaking to more people, more often!  As I reflected on this conversation, I felt the Lord was speaking to me about intimacy and particularly ‘communion/come-into-union’ with himself.  I was thinking how we often distance ourselves from him, but also how social distancing is now creating a desire for deeper intimacy.

Richard Foster, in his book ‘Sanctuary of the Soul’ touches on Moses’ experience in Exodus (33:11) saying ‘and the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend, but the Israelites did not want such intimacy but said to Moses “You speak to us, and we will listen, but do not let God speak to us or we will die". This marked a step away and distancing from God’s presence and intimacy, as the people wanted to hear and be led through prophets, judges and then kings, so they did not have to come into God’s presence for themselves.  

I have recognised that when I read an email from a loved one it feels good but receiving a hand-written card is more personal. When I speak to them over the phone, I feel we are closer and more connected, but to speak and see their face on video feels even more intimate and encouraging.  However, what I desire and long for is to be in their presence and speak with them ‘face to face’, to hug and kiss them not even having to say anything.  In the same way when I read God’s word and a verse, or a passage of scripture speaks to me that is great.  Even hearing and receiving prophetic words from others is greatly encouraging, but when I ‘still’ myself before him and he speaks a word or a picture into my spirit it is wonderful.  Being in and knowing his presence, knowing his life-union, fellowship and touch is what I desire and long for.

“I long to drink of You, O God,
Drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure
Flowing from His presence.
My Longings overwhelm me for more of You!
My Soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the Living God.
I want to come and see the face of God.”
Psalm 42 v 1-2 (The Passion Translation)

At this challenging time, I sense in myself and others that God seems to be increasing our longing and desire to be intimate with him and be in his presence, to behold him and be taken up with him, as a bride is for her bridegroom and a bridegroom for his bride.  May we all grow in deeper intimacy with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit during this time and draw close to him as he is drawing us and knocking on the doors of our hearts (Rev 3:20), to go deeper with him and be lost in love with him, knowing he is the only answer in what we are facing.